After setting up various activities at Airoli center, the project TRUTH (Total Rural Uplift Through Health) is being implemented in Kotapur , Taluka – Rajapur, district Ratnagiri under the guidance of Dr. Apte & Mrs. Apte.
Kotapur center is expanding the following activities.
- Tele medicine centre – Homoeopathic Out Patient Department (OPD) at Kotapur
- Plant Clinic – Health care centre at rural level formulated by ARH has dual role. Along with health it is necessary to guide people on agriculture to boost their economic status. In this connection concept of plant clinic envisaged by Dr. Swaminathan appears promising. A certificate course in plant clinic will be introduced in near future to train farmers on various aspects of farming. Research at ARH on plant care through homoeopathic dosage formulations will be complementary to plant clinic.
- Social Medicine – This is created to address the problem of socio-cultural components which needs to be tackled to accelerate the activities of plant clinic. ARH is approaching schools, colleges and socially conscious citizens to take up this activity .
Sanvad :-
It is an Online platform created for sharing knowledge with young farmers. Marathi version will be uploaded in the first week of each month and English version will be uploaded in last the last week of the same month.
OPD Timings:
Kotapur Centre: –
Tele medicine Centre & Plant Clinic –
Monday to Saturday – Morning – 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Sunday Closed

to Mrs. A.S. Apte about natural resources and related financial gain