Lesson 4

Neoplasia – New growth, Cancer

Neoplasia or new growth means any excess or abnormal mass of tissue. Cancer denotes excess growth even after cessation of stimuli which provoked growth. As the entire mass arises from a single cell it is named as clonal.

The word “differentiation” is used to describe how far neoplastic cells resemble normal parenchymal cells. Benign tumors are well differentiated as against malignant tumors where the differentiation is poor called as anaplasia.

Most of the cancers are diagnosed when they are fairly advanced. Metastasis or spread of the cancer is through direct surface contact, hematogenous or through lymphatics. Development of cancer involves number of steps with genetic and environmental factors playing a role. The nomenclature is little confusing. It is better to refer to texts on the subject.


i. Local – due to pressure especially found in benign.

ii. Cancer cachexia with loss of weight, weakness, anorexia etc.

iii. Hormonal disturbances may give rise to symptom complex called paraneoplastic syndrome.

iv. Neuropathies, vascular and hematologic manifestation are also noted.

New growth and Homoeopathic totality

There are number of rubrics like new growth, cancer, and cysts etc. which denote excess growth. It is better to refer to all those rubrics. Final differentiation needs study of Materia Medica. Clinical experience indicates that heavy metals come up for consideration often.