Lesson 8

Male Reproductive Diseases

Some of the common disorders are discussed below.

A. Hypogonadism –

It means improper structural or functional development of testes leading to a disease.

  1. Small, soft testes.
  2. undescended testes
  3. Oligospermia or azoospermia
  4.  lack of libido i. e loss of sexual desire.
  5. Erectile dysfunction — to achieve or maintain erection.

Along with Hormonal imbalance, psychological factors need to be considered while treating these diseases.

B. Epidydimo – orchitis – Inflammation of epididymis and testis –

occasionally  occurs after mumps if it develops at post pubertal age.

C. Varicocele –

It is an enlargement of scrotal veins which may affect sperm quality like motility.

D. Gynaecomastia

it is an abnormal development of breast tissue in males.
If it occurs at late age, bronchial carcinoma or testicular tumors are to be ruled out.

E. Prostate gland

Benign prostate enlargement is common in males after 60 years of age. Frequency of urine, difficulty in initiating urination etc. are common symptoms. 

Prostatic carcimoma may present with lower urinary tract obstruction or sometimes metastatic spread i.e back pain and/or wt. loss.